Tag: allow

Youth Academy Sponsored Walk – Knocklayde

The Youth Academy are having a sponsored walk to the top of Knocklayde on Saturday 13th September.


The half route (for the younger kids and less energetic adults :)) is about 2 miles, so allow about 1 hr.

The full route for the older kids is about 6 miles (allow about 2-2.5 hours).

We will be meeting at 10.30am at the top of Dunamallaght, there is roadside parking at the top of the hill.


Please bring a packed lunch including water.

Also please dress appropriately i.e. suitable footwear, dress in layers.


The sponsorship down can be downloaded and printed from this link:

[wpdm_file id=3 title=”true” ]


The map of the walk can be found below.

Knocklayde - Ballycastle United Sponsored Walk

Knocklayde – Ballycastle United Sponsored Walk

Created 09.10.14 by guest

Knocklayde – Ballycastle United Youth Academy Sponsored Walk